Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas 2010

This working thing has got me a little behind on blogging.

We did Christmas a little early this year because we were going to the grandparents on Christmas eve and didn't want to hall the presents around.  The boys slept till about 8 which is late for them.  When they finally did get up we talked them into snuggling in bed with us for a while.  I am afraid these days will not last very much longer. 

Mom "Boys I think Santa knew we were not going to be here on Christmas morning so I think he stopped by early"
Dad "Did you guys notice their were more presents under the tree"
Andrew "Mom, you guys are Santa"  with a big sigh after this statement.

We have never made a big deal about Santa.  We kinda mention him a little but we want them to really believe in the true meaning of Christmas.  A Saviour was born so that we might have eternal life with him one day in heaven.

Noah has been the reader of the Christmas story for the last few years.  Maybe next year Andrew will help out in this area.

 After the story was read out of the Bible.  Andrew retold the story with our nativity set.  Ti helped in his own way. 
 Ti is SO SO SO into reading books these days.  Seriously he looks at books for hours during the day.  He absolutely loooooovvvvveeeesss "TWAAAAAIINS and TWUCKS"
 One of Andrew's favorite gifts was his paper jam.

Noah played with his yo yo so much it is already broken.  We are going to have to get him another one.  He was using it constantly after Christmas.  Well that is until it broke.  That is what I get for buying cheap toys.

 Will Andrew learn how to train his dragon??????

This was one of those gifts that you know won't work but because they wanted it you go ahead and buy it.  Needless to say now I think they believe us.
 Did I mention that Ti loves books.

Ti wasn't really into opening presents.  He wanted to play with what had already been opened.  He would have been perfectly satisfied to just have one box to open.

We had a great time celebrating Christ's birth with the kids.

P.S. By the way I am the coolest wife ever because I bought Tim an Ipod touch for his present.  Just ask him.