Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm Losing My Mind

I thought I was so on the ball Friday. I got up early and I went to work on the new potato soup recipe. Andrew was going to kid's day so I needed to be out of the house by 8:45. We were ready with 5 minutes to go. So while I was at work I was bragging about how good of a day I was having. I had supper cooking, I had met with the insurance agent at the church earlier that day and I think everything went very well, and Andrew had stayed at school with out too much of a fight. Life was going very good. So after working all day I was looking forward to my new soup recipe. I pick the kids up at Karen and head home. As I walk in the door I notice I didn't smell anything. OH I TURNED THE SLOW COOKER ON I JUST DIDN'T PLUG IT IN. rats rats rats. Anyway I put it on high on the stove and it did get done in time for supper but I was pretty aggravated at the whole situation. Karen told me that it was a pregnancy thing just like when I asked her to put darts in Noah swimming trunks because I didn't realize that they had a draw string that would work. Maybe after the baby gets here I will be able to think better but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Cassie said... said...

if you think having 3 kids makes it better...well, good luck with that. I think it more about checking and re-checking. I am finding more and more that it takes re-checking for me to get anything right.