We have had a rule this summer in our house. Well actually we have had several but at the very first of the summer we made it a rule that before we watched TV or played video games we had to have our teeth brushed and have read our Bible. Clean teeth and reading the Bible are essential to starting your day right??? Anyway one of the boys was complaining about something and we started talking about how some people don't even get to have a Bible much less read it every day. That got me to thinking. Actually my brain is constantly running about something. That is the reason it is 5AM and I am on the computer typing away. It my own words can put me back to sleep I can only imagine what it does to those who choose to read them. hahaha
Anyway I have been thinking a lot lately about the value we put on the Word of God. The other morning I happened upon this verse. Proverbs 13:13 - He who despises the Word will be destroyed. But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded.
Here is just a little information that I thought was interesting.
The definition of Despise - 1. to look down on with contempt and scorn or 2. to regard with dislike or repugnance.
Despise Synonyms:
scorn, disdain, contemn, hate, look down on, look down upon, spurn, sneer at, flout, dislike, loathe, detest, abhor; see also hate 1.
despise implies a strong emotional response toward that which one looks down upon with contempt or aversion to despise a hypocrite; to scorn is to feel indignation toward or deep contempt for, often with the implication of rejection or refusal to scorn the offer of a bribe; disdain implies a haughty or arrogant contempt for what one considers beneath one's dignity to disdain flattery; contemn, chiefly a literary word, implies a vehement disapproval of a person or thing as base, vile, or despicable See also syn. study at hate
Do I despise the word. Do I really give it value or do I look down upon it with contempt. Another verse then comes to mind. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Do I truly believe this? Does it apply to my life? Does it really have all the answers?
The other day I was praying with a friend. We were praying for our church. She had a form where you pray scriptures. It was the same format at the Moms In Touch prayer times we just customized it to be praying for our church instead of the schools. Anyway we mostly were praying for guidance. By the way their are a lot of scriptures in the Bible about this.
So I really think it worked. I know, I think I sound surprised. It wasn't that everything has changed and is perfect after the prayer time but their is a peace present. Our children's ministry is making some big decisions right now and you know what. God can guide us. The scripture tells us that he will guide those who ask. God word is true. I always say that I believe everything the Bible says but my actions usually prove that I don't. Such as not thinking that God can guide us. He can make light to our paths.
So I think I have babbled on enough. I just wanted to praise God for showing himself to me through that prayer time. God's Word is true and it can lead us through every situation.
Now if I can just impart these values onto my children that will be great. Psalms 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
No Never Not Me
My husband would not tell our children not to play with his toys in the garage and then correct himself and say tools.
Of course I would never not take cookies to a friend just because they were not as good as hers. I am definitely not that prideful.
I would not go into my children room and complain about the smell. My oldest child would not say "mom, we are boys". Really I do have good smelling, clean children even if they are boys.
I am not trying to find the best restaurants to eat at on our vacation in Alabama. Really food is not that big of a deal to me.
Of course I would never not take cookies to a friend just because they were not as good as hers. I am definitely not that prideful.
I would not go into my children room and complain about the smell. My oldest child would not say "mom, we are boys". Really I do have good smelling, clean children even if they are boys.
I am not trying to find the best restaurants to eat at on our vacation in Alabama. Really food is not that big of a deal to me.
I did not go out on a date with my husband by myself without kids. And while on said date I did not try to scrape ice cream off of his face and put it back in his mouth. Really I know the difference between Tim and Ti.
My husband did not almost refuse to change our baby in the public restroom because I suggested putting paper towels down on the changing station before he laid him on it. Really Tim is just as conscious about germs as I am.
I did not have a very proud moment when one of my boys used his foot to flush the toilet in a public restroom. Really something like that would not make me so happy.
You Just Can't
You just can't out give God that is.
Last Sunday in class we decided to help out a few families that moved or would be moving into a new place. I had all the children bring can foods and I went through my pantry also. Timmy was so looking forward to unloading our pantry a little. If you have ever seen my pantry you would understand why. One of the families I put just a little cash in to help a little bit more to buy the fillers for a meal. It really wasn't much at all.
God just proved himself again, that you can't out give him. We loaned out our camper to some friends. They wrote us a thank you and put a little gift in the thank you. Just to let you know we don't accept money from friends for borrowing something of ours. So they will have to take it back or I am going to be super mad. (that note is just in here incase they happen to read my blog) I will accept a homemade dinner for payment though. Then Noah went out to get the mail and guess what. I had a check from the hospital. This was money that I had over payed for Titus' birth. Yes it did take them 5 months and several phone calls to get my money back but I did. So basically God gave me back 2500% of what we gave away. Doesn't that make you want to give something away. God is just amazing like that.
Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
The gift we gave was above what our tithe was and truly God blessed us more than we have room for. God always keeps his promises.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ti - 5 Months

Ti is 5 months old now. He is a good baby. I really wish that he would consistently sleep through the night though. He coos almost constantly. I think he is going to be a talker. He can grab things but he can't quite get them into his mouth yet. He absolutely loves his brothers. His face lights up when they talk to him. The other morning I went into his room to find Noah up in his bed trying to change is diaper. How is that for a wonderful big brother. I did have to finish the job. Noah hasn't quite got the hang of that yet.

Monday, July 20, 2009
Through the Fire
This week is VBS. I am the Bible truth teller (story teller) for the younger ages. I think this is probably the best place for me. I really enjoy trying to figure out a way to keep their attention and help them learn something at the same time. Keeping about 25 preschoolers attention can be a hard job.
I am so excited about the story tonight. "The three thrown into the fire" I so love to read this story. I was reading it again this morning to the boys. I wanted to shout out a praise for Jesus. Imagine being strong enough to say "even if my God chooses not to save me I will not choose to do wrong." I was talking to the boys about how I pray that no matter what, they would choose to do the right thing. And then Noah says "Mom, that was kinda like the time one of my friends wanted me to steal a pencil at school and I said no." Now that makes a momma proud. Andrew also informed me this week "even if you break a window, God still cares for you". I am wondering if there if something happened that I don't know about.
Something else that stuck out to me in this story is that they didn't even smell like smoke after coming through the fire. I can think of trials in my life where I think I came through a trial alive but a little stinkier than before. How close to God these men must have been walking not to even have a hint of smoke on their clothes. When people see me do they see someone with smoke stains and a stench or do they see someone walking by Jesus through the trials?
The first night of VBS went well but before it even started Andrew ran into a table in the KidZone.

He is a tough kid. I don't think he even cried.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
july 4th
My boys love 4th of July. This is their favorite holiday of the year I think. It might even be better than Christmas. We had our family over to eat and some friends came over and did some fireworks. We made tacos for supper and had ice cream, cookies and brownies. These pictures are not in any order.

Nannie holding Ti
He just couldn't take any more fun.

Pops, Tim, & Ti
Oh the fun to play with fire.

Nannie holding Ti

Pops, Tim, & Ti
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fathe's Day/Birthday Weekend
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Lesson Learned
I have a bad habit of putting the pacifier handle in my mouth to carry it around while carrying the baby. Well I think I have learned my lesson. Yesterday, Satan was in the attack mode. I was trying to do something nice for someone and therefore He was trying to ruin everything.
Ti had been cranky most of the day. Well he really was only cranky when I wasn't letting him nurse or rocking him in the rocking chair so I guess I can't say he was cranky the whole day.
Let me start at the beginning of the day. We went to the Library that morning, not such a good idea. I was sure that they were going to ask me to leave. I think there is some kind of rule for not allowing a screaming child in the library. We tried to stay in story time without any success.
After we finished the torture of the library we went directly home to try to get him down for a nap. He slept all of thirty minutes. Then crazy me decided I would cook supper and since I was already cooking I would make enough for another family.
While trying to cook I get on the phone with our pastor and start discussing what we should do about an building and grounds issue at the church. While on the phone Noah starts yelling that Ti has pooped. The loving mother that I am start to pick up the screaming child while on the phone (well actually I did this after yelling at Noah not to pick him up by himself). MISTAKE. Somehow I hung up on the the pastor and then realized there is poop everywhere. I mean everywhere. He was in his bouncer and the whole cover had to be put in the washer. It was kind of like he had no diaper on at all. I go ahead and pick him up and take him to his bed. Lay him on a towel and begin to take all the pooped soaked clothes off. You got to love breast fed babies. All the while Noah is standing by commenting on how gross it is. I then put him in the bathroom sink for a good hosing down. Then back to the bed for new clothes. At this point I am convinced that Satan is trying to get the better of me. I will have none of that.
I continue to finish up the supper (after washing my hands thoroughly)and do get it to its destination on time. As I am leaving to take the supper I grab the pacifier and put it in my mouth and head to the car. At this point I noticed something tasted bitter. I am thinking ooh no, what is on the handle of this pacifier. I quickly take it out of my mouth. Guess what ---Poop. At least I think it is poop because it is yellow and there was actually poop all around where it had been. Not that I could tell by the taste. I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever tasted it before. Yes - Satan won that round.
I have hopefully learned a lesson - ALWAYS, ALWAYS look before you put something of the babies in your mouth. You just never know what might be on it.
Ti had been cranky most of the day. Well he really was only cranky when I wasn't letting him nurse or rocking him in the rocking chair so I guess I can't say he was cranky the whole day.
Let me start at the beginning of the day. We went to the Library that morning, not such a good idea. I was sure that they were going to ask me to leave. I think there is some kind of rule for not allowing a screaming child in the library. We tried to stay in story time without any success.
After we finished the torture of the library we went directly home to try to get him down for a nap. He slept all of thirty minutes. Then crazy me decided I would cook supper and since I was already cooking I would make enough for another family.
While trying to cook I get on the phone with our pastor and start discussing what we should do about an building and grounds issue at the church. While on the phone Noah starts yelling that Ti has pooped. The loving mother that I am start to pick up the screaming child while on the phone (well actually I did this after yelling at Noah not to pick him up by himself). MISTAKE. Somehow I hung up on the the pastor and then realized there is poop everywhere. I mean everywhere. He was in his bouncer and the whole cover had to be put in the washer. It was kind of like he had no diaper on at all. I go ahead and pick him up and take him to his bed. Lay him on a towel and begin to take all the pooped soaked clothes off. You got to love breast fed babies. All the while Noah is standing by commenting on how gross it is. I then put him in the bathroom sink for a good hosing down. Then back to the bed for new clothes. At this point I am convinced that Satan is trying to get the better of me. I will have none of that.
I continue to finish up the supper (after washing my hands thoroughly)and do get it to its destination on time. As I am leaving to take the supper I grab the pacifier and put it in my mouth and head to the car. At this point I noticed something tasted bitter. I am thinking ooh no, what is on the handle of this pacifier. I quickly take it out of my mouth. Guess what ---Poop. At least I think it is poop because it is yellow and there was actually poop all around where it had been. Not that I could tell by the taste. I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever tasted it before. Yes - Satan won that round.
I have hopefully learned a lesson - ALWAYS, ALWAYS look before you put something of the babies in your mouth. You just never know what might be on it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Summer Fun
The other day Kambry and Logan came to play. I am afraid to see what my water bill will be for this month.

Yes, this is a man made mud hole.

Yes, the hole is deep enough to go over their ankles.

The dogs are not to impressed with the big mud hole. They dig holes this deep on a daily basis. Of course they usually bring their prize (a dead mole) up to our back porch when they are done. Really who doesn't like to walk out the door to see a dead animal laying near by. Oh, and if you have a dog that jumps your fence when you throw the dead animal over the fence into the field beside your house he will just bring it back.

Yes, this is a man made mud hole.
Yes, the hole is deep enough to go over their ankles.
The dogs are not to impressed with the big mud hole. They dig holes this deep on a daily basis. Of course they usually bring their prize (a dead mole) up to our back porch when they are done. Really who doesn't like to walk out the door to see a dead animal laying near by. Oh, and if you have a dog that jumps your fence when you throw the dead animal over the fence into the field beside your house he will just bring it back.
This is Buddy. He is a neutered, house trained, one year mut. He is good with the kids. He just doesn't like to stay in our chain link fence. Sometimes, he jumps over it and sometimes he goes underneath it. He is looking for a nice country home where he can roam. Since the road by our house is pretty busy we know that life will be short unless someone else would like to have him. So if you know of anyone that is looking for a family pet we have one that is ready to go.
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