Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break

What do you do on the first day of Spring Break?  Build a snowman of course.  Our 13 inches of snow was perfect for it.  We all went out while Ti was taking his nap. 

Ti after he got up from his nap watched through the door.
Noah made a big seat out of the snow.

Here is our perfect snowman.

I can't count the times that I heard "well if Dad was here he could do that or Dad would pack it really good".   blah, blah, blah  Really mom is just as good as Dad is with these things I just haven't had as much practice.  It was quiet funny Noah and I trying to get the middle of the snowman in place.  I guess we could have used a little of Dad's muscles.

It is suppose to be nice the rest of the week.  We are going camping this weekend.  Should have lots to post about when I get back.

1 comment:

Cassie said... said...

looks like Noah had fun in spite of not getting to go with us.